Repower – cooling system

For our engine replacement, the Beta 25 uses larger raw water hoses. I decided to replace the entire raw water system. I upgraded the thru-hull to a 1″ fitting, and added a water flow alarm switch into the intake side of the raw water pump. I also rerouted the new 1″ hoses between the heat exchanger and the exhaust injection nipple to shorten their run and to get the anti-siphon closer to the boat’s center line.

I added a 2×2 to the back of the bulkhead to mount the anti-siphon. It also made a good place to attach the PSS vent to make sure it was also always above the water line. I stained and varnished it to help it blend in. It is not perfect, but good enough for the aft cabin.

Water flow alarm switch

Cooling hose routing

Anti-siphon mounting

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