Reroute traveler lines

When we got the boat, the traveler lines could only be used if you unzipped the dodger windows, and even then were very hard to use. The line rubbed on the zipper, and it was hard to release and engage the cam cleats that were located on the traveler itself.

I figured there had to be a better way that would be easy to work, and would not require opening the dodger.

I finally came up with a solution that has worked great for us. I reran the line through the blocks in the opposite direction, so they exit the traveler from the front. I then added turning blocks that I screwed down to the trim around the hatch cover. This allows the lines to come back under the traveler and through the existing opening in the bottom of the dodger below the other lines. Two new cam cleats on the sides of the hatch complete to rigging.

This was one of the best bang-for-the-buck upgrades I have done. Now that it is so easy to use, the traveler is my go-to control for the main.

old lines exit to rear via cam cleats
new lines bypass cam cleats and exit forward
turning blocks send line under dodger
new cam cleats inside


I did have to buy longer line, since this added about 3 feet to each side. In hind-sight, I would probably have made them even a bit longer, so I could reach them from the helm for short-handed sailing. Now that I have the autopilot, it is not as big of a deal, since I can easily leave the wheel to adjust sails.

Also, I found that by exiting at the top block, the lines cross as they run through the blocks, and this adds friction. I changed to exit at the bottom block, and it is now easier to move the traveler.

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